
Recent News

ASM 48

ASM 48 is now available. This release adds support for reserved and sponsored location units, automated emails for adopter followup and licence renewals, medical document templates, excel export for reports, mobile licence renewal checkout, built-in check-a-chip search for UK/US/Aus and many bug fixes and improvements.

Storage charge reduction

After a review of our storage surcharge prices, we have decided to lower them to 10%/10GB from 15%/10GB
We've been able to do this because we recently switched to a cheaper storage provider and can pass the savings on.

Entry Type field

There will be a new change deployed this coming week to add a new "Entry Type" field to the entry slider of animal records. This new field is a dropdown containing a fixed list of known reasons for animal intake. The options in this list are deliberately not user-editable. This field will replace the "Transfer In" checkbox on-screen.

The reason for adding "Entry Type" is to support and simplify the integration we have with third party organisations such as PetFinder and ShelterAnimalsCount, along with all of the standardised reports that we have for the ADCH, ASPCA, Asilomar Accords, Best Friends, Petco, USDA, etc.

This field has become necessary because so many integrations and reports rely on being able to accurately identify strays, surrenders and transfers, as well as TNR and confiscated/seized animals in some cases. At the moment, we infer these values from a number of different fields and by looking for English text values in the entry category field. This means the behaviour between reports can be inconsistent and do not work for non-English speakers or where shelters have named things as something else.

When this new field is added to your database, the same rules currently used to infer these values will be used to set the value of this field for all of your existing animal records. This means that nothing should appear to change in terms of reporting and integration immediately. You will be able to better control where intakes are categorised on reports in the future. It will also help the system to hide fields from animal records that are not relevant to it.

ASM 47

ASM 47 is now available. This release adds support for couple contact fields, daily observations of animals in care, additional fields searchable via advanced find screens, additional fields for movements, HTML slideshow template, quicklinks and shelterview modes per user, new data protection options, stock level alerts and 70 incremental improvements and bug fixes.

Hosting Price Increase

With effect from 1st April 2023, our biennial price rise will take effect. We last reviewed our prices in 2021, when we increased our prices by 3%. That came after a period of 3 years without a rise due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

There have been a number of economic pressures on our business in the last 12 months, with inflation over 10% and our suppliers raising their prices by 20% due to the current high costs of electricity.

From 1st April 2023 our prices will rise by 9% to:

Currency 3 months 6 months 12 months
United States Dollars$125.00$210.00$380.00
UK Pound Sterling£80.00£130.00£240.00
Australian Dollars$140.00$240.00$440.00
Canadian Dollars$135.00$235.00$435.00

ASM 46

ASM 46 is now available. This release adds support for 2 factor authentication, import and export of all media via CSV, improved translations, support for S3 compatible providers other than Amazon, UI table performance improvements, shelteranimalscount API integration, Stripe CSV import, upfront creation of medical treatments, improved online form spambot protection, new locales (Latvia, Zimbabwe, Indonesia), support for multiple intakes/entry history and over 150 incremental improvements and bug fixes.

Retiring of mobile app

The sheltermanager mobile app for Android and iOS is going to be retired with effect from 1st November 2023.

Read more about why we have decided to do this and how you can continue to use ASM on your mobile device here.

ASM 45

ASM 45 is now available. This release adds support for auto-processing online forms, dark mode and visual improvements, upto date Czech, Norwegian and Portugese translations, export report toolbar, image to PDF conversion and over 100 incremental improvements and bug fixes.

Ongoing issues with AT&T mobile

Many of our customers are reporting issues accessing our service from AT&T mobile data.

Update: The issue was with AT&T communicating with Cloudflare via IPv6. As of 4th June 2021, this issue has been resolved.

ASM 44

ASM 44 is now available. This release adds support for accepting payments with PayPal and Stripe, media retention policies, ability to move the pin in minimaps, conditional fields in online forms, better RTL support and Hebrew translation, DST support, image watermarking, auditing of login/logout and record views, friendly query builder for creating user reports, improved support for vouchers, support for US 2 letter state codes and phone numbers, animal popup warnings and over 150 incremental improvements and bug fixes.