Service API

ASM includes a service API that you can call from other software via HTTP. To call the API you construct a URL to the service controller. The service controller is /service, so if you are accessing a local ASM from your local machine, the URL will start http://localhost:5000/service. If you are using, the URL will start

If you are using, or have enabled the option CACHE_SERVICE_RESPONSES in your, please be aware that some service call responses are cached for performance. The cache time is indicated with the call below, along with whether credentials are needed and any permissions.

While the examples here show passing the parameters with HTTP GET requests, you can POST the parameters too if you prefer.

The service requires at least the following parameters:

  • account: If this is a service call, the user’s account number. Can be omitted for other installations.

  • method: A service method to call.

  • username: A valid ASM user. Not all methods need a username and password.

  • password: A valid ASM password.

From a security standpoint, it’s better to create at least one ASM user dedicated to calling the service to assist with audit trails and to lock it down so an attacker with the URL cannot change your data or view anything you don’t want them to. You can also set “Can Login” to NO in the user account to prevent it logging in to the UI, but still use it to access the service.

Animal Datasets

Many of the json and xml service calls return a dataset of animals, a sample animal JSON result looks like this:

        "ADDITIONALFLAGS": "|",
        "ADOPTAPETCOLOUR": "Black",
        "AGEGROUP": "Senior",
        "ANIMALAGE": "12 years 7 months.",
        "ANIMALCOMMENTS": "Cat that needs a longer bio than 20 chars.",
        "ANIMALNAME": "Sarah",
        "ANIMALTYPEID": 2,
        "ANIMALTYPENAME": "U (Unwanted Cat)",
        "ARCHIVED": 0,
        "BASECOLOURID": 1,
        "BASECOLOURNAME": "Black",
        "BONDEDANIMAL1CODE": null,
        "BONDEDANIMAL1NAME": null,
        "BONDEDANIMAL2CODE": null,
        "BONDEDANIMAL2ID": 0,
        "BONDEDANIMAL2NAME": null,
        "BONDEDANIMALID": 0,
        "BREED2ID": 231,
        "BREEDID": 231,
        "BREEDNAME": "British Shorthair",
        "BREEDNAME1": "British Shorthair",
        "BREEDNAME2": "British Shorthair",
        "COATTYPE": 4,
        "COATTYPENAME": "Corded",
        "CODE": "1D",
        "COMBITESTDATE": null,
        "COMBITESTED": 0,
        "COMBITESTEDNAME": "No",
        "COMBITESTRESULTNAME": "Unknown",
        "CREATEDBY": "robin",
        "CREATEDDATE": "2010-01-18T10:20:50",
        "CROSSBREED": 0,
        "CROSSBREEDNAME": "No",
        "CRUELTYCASE": 0,
        "CRUELTYCASENAME": "No",
        "CURRENTOWNERID": "",
        "CURRENTVETADDRESS": null,
        "CURRENTVETCOUNTY": null,
        "CURRENTVETID": 0,
        "CURRENTVETNAME": null,
        "CURRENTVETTOWN": null,
        "DATEBROUGHTIN": "2010-01-18T00:00:00",
        "DATEOFBIRTH": "2008-01-18T00:00:00",
        "DAYSONSHELTER": 3886,
        "DECEASEDDATE": null,
        "DECLAWED": 0,
        "DECLAWEDNAME": "No",
        "DIEDOFFSHELTER": 0,
        "DISPLAYLOCATION": "Dog Block::3",
        "DISPLAYLOCATIONNAME": "Dog Block",
        "DOCMEDIADATE": "2015-05-11T00:00:00",
        "DOCMEDIANAME": "198.jpg",
        "ENTRYREASONID": 7,
        "ENTRYREASONNAME": "Stray",
        "ESTIMATEDDOB": 0,
        "EXTRAIDS": "",
        "FEE": 0,
        "FLVRESULT": 0,
        "FLVRESULTNAME": "Unknown",
        "HEALTHPROBLEMS": "",
        "HEARTWORMTESTDATE": null,
        "HOLDUNTILDATE": null,
        "ID": 174,
        "IDENTICHIP2DATE": null,
        "IDENTICHIP2NUMBER": "",
        "IDENTICHIPDATE": null,
        "IDENTICHIPPED": 0,
        "ISCOURTESY": 0,
        "ISDOA": 0,
        "ISDOANAME": "No",
        "ISGOODWITHCATS": 0,
        "ISGOODWITHDOGS": 2,
        "ISGOODWITHDOGSNAME": "Unknown",
        "ISHOLD": 0,
        "ISHOUSETRAINED": 2,
        "ISHOUSETRAINEDNAME": "Unknown",
        "ISPICKUP": 0,
        "ISPICKUPNAME": "No",
        "ISQUARANTINE": 0,
        "ISTRANSFER": 0,
        "ISTRANSFERNAME": "No",
        "JURISDICTIONID": 0,
        "JURISDICTIONNAME": null,
        "LASTCHANGEDBY": "robin",
        "LASTCHANGEDDATE": "2018-08-27T10:25:07.534155",
        "LOOKUPDEFAULT": "Item 3",
        "MARKINGS": "",
        "MOSTRECENTENTRYDATE": "2010-01-18T00:00:00",
        "NEUTERED": 1,
        "NEUTEREDDATE": "2009-01-18T00:00:00",
        "NEUTEREDNAME": "Yes",
        "NEUTERINGVETNAME": null,
        "NEUTERINGVETTOWN": null,
        "ORIGINALOWNERID": "",
        "OWNERID": 0,
        "OWNERNAME": null,
        "OWNERSVETADDRESS": null,
        "OWNERSVETCOUNTY": null,
        "OWNERSVETID": 0,
        "OWNERSVETNAME": null,
        "OWNERSVETPOSTCODE": null,
        "OWNERSVETTOWN": null,
        "PETFINDERBREED": "British Shorthair",
        "PETFINDERBREED2": "British Shorthair",
        "PETFINDERSPECIES": "Cat",
        "PICKUPADDRESS": "",
        "PTSREASON": "",
        "PTSREASONID": 8,
        "PTSREASONNAME": "Biting",
        "PUTTOSLEEP": 0,
        "PUTTOSLEEPNAME": "No",
        "RABIESTAG": "",
        "REASONFORENTRY": "",
        "REASONNO": "",
        "RECORDVERSION": 102507,
        "RESERVATIONDATE": null,
        "RESERVEDOWNERID": "",
        "SEX": 0,
        "SEXNAME": "Female",
        "SHELTERCODE": "D2010001",
        "SHELTERLOCATIONNAME": "Dog Block",
        "SHORTCODE": "1D",
        "SITEID": 1,
        "SITENAME": "main",
        "SIZE": 1,
        "SIZENAME": "Large",
        "SMARTTAG": 0,
        "SMARTTAGDATE": null,
        "SMARTTAGNUMBER": "",
        "SMARTTAGSENTDATE": null,
        "SMARTTAGTYPE": 0,
        "SPECIESID": 2,
        "SPECIESNAME": "Cat",
        "TATTOO": 0,
        "TATTOODATE": null,
        "TATTOONAME": "No",
        "TATTOONUMBER": "",
        "TIMEONSHELTER": "10 years 7 months.",
        "TOTALTIMEONSHELTER": "8 years 7 months.",
        "UNIQUECODEID": 0,
        "UNITSPONSOR": "Mr and Mrs Smith",
        "VACCGIVENCOUNT": 0,
        "WEBSITEMEDIADATE": "2013-05-12T09:13:21",
        "WEBSITEMEDIAID": 118,
        "WEBSITEMEDIANAME": "118.jpg",
        "WEBSITEMEDIANOTES": "Cat that needs a longer bio than 20 chars.",
        "WEBSITEVIDEOURL": "",
        "WEIGHT": 10.0,
        "YEARCODEID": 1

Sensitive/Personal Info

Some methods, such as json_adopted_animals, json_lost_animals, etc. will include sensitive or personal information in some object properties in the returned data. By default, all sensitive/personal information will be stripped from these properties in the resultsets returned.

If you do want personal/sensitive data included, you need to pass an extra parameter “sensitive=1” to your calls. If the user account being used to access this data does not have the VIEW_PERSON permission, sensitive=1 will be overridden and personal data removed anyway.

The following properties contain personal data that will be stripped:

  • OWNER*






Cache time: 1 hour

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Returns an animal’s preferred image. Send the id of the animal:


An optional “seq” parameter can be included to return the animal’s other available images. seq=1 returns the preferred image (and will be assumed if that parameter is omitted), seq=2 returns the second available image, etc. seq is a 1-based count and can be used with the “WebsiteImageCount” property included in animal records (which contains the number of images an animal has) to programatically grab all the images for a particular animal.


Cache time: 1 day

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Returns an animal’s preferred image as a thumbnail. Send the id of the animal:


The thumbnail will be sized to whatever the main application is using (default is 150 pixels along the longest side). You can choose the thumbnail size under Publishing -> Set Publishing Options -> All Publishers


Cache time: 10 minutes

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Returns a webpage with information for one adoptable animal, constructed from the animalview HTML publishing template (editable at Publishing -> Edit HTML publishing templates). Pass the id of the animal:


When you use Share ‣ Link to this animal on an animal’s record, it is this service call that the system redirects you to.

If the animal is no longer adoptable, an error page will be displayed. If you prefer, you can create an HTML publishing template called “animalviewnotadoptable” that will display instead for animals that can no longer be adopted.

You can also optionally specify a style parameter to choose a template to use other than animalview:



Cache time: 10 minutes

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Returns a javascript file that when executed injects thumbnails of all adoptable animals into the page with links to the animal_view service call. It is most useful as the src attribute for a <script> tag.

The page must contain a div with an id attribute of “asm3-adoptables”, where the adoptable animal thumbnails are to appear. If div#asm3-adoptables cannot be found, a popup error message will appear.

Here’s an example page showing how to inject your adoptable animal list:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Adoptable Animals</title>
.asm3-adoptable-thumbnail { border-radius: 8px; }

<div id="asm3-adoptables" />
<script src="http://localhost:5000/service?method=animal_view_adoptable_js"></script>


CSS and Styles

The adoptable_js output is unstyled - just a thumbnail with a name/link below and two lines of brief text containing some basic information about the animal. You can style this information by adding CSS to your stylesheets for the following classes:

  • asm3-filters : The div surrounding the SELECT dropdown filters

  • asm3-adoptable-list: The div surrounding all the animal thumbnails

  • asm3-adoptable-item : The div surrounding each animal thumbnail

  • asm3-adoptable-link : The a tag enclosing the thumbnail and animal name

  • asm3-adoptable-thumbnail : The thumbnail img tag

  • asm3-adoptable-name : The animal’s name

  • asm3-adoptable-reserved : The div surrounding the image if the animal is reserved

  • asm3-adoptable-tagline : The brief animal information

and the following elements by their id attribute:

  • asm3-adoptable-iframe-overlay: The div surrounding the popup iframe (if used)

  • asm3-adoptable-iframe-close: The close link at the top right of the popup

  • asm3-adoptable-iframe: The popup iframe itself

Eg: To add rounded corners to the thumbnails and show the animal’s name in bold, add this to your CSS:

.asm3-adoptable-name { font-weight: bold; }
.asm3-adoptable-thumbnail { border-radius: 8px; }

To increase the size of the close link, add this:

#asm3-adoptable-iframe-close { font-size: 200%; }

Much more advanced and sophisticated styling can be done from these classes and selectors. For example, to float a reserved banner over the top right corner of animals with reservations, try this:

.asm3-adoptable-reserved {
    position: relative;
    color: #fff;
    display: inline-block;
    padding: 5px;
    overflow: hidden;
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 8pt;
    font-weight: bold;
.asm3-adoptable-reserved span:before {
    content: "\00a0\00a0\00a0\00a0\00a0RESERVED";
.asm3-adoptable-reserved span {
    position: absolute;
    display: inline-block;
    right: -25px;
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.2), inset 0px 5px 30px rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
    text-align: center;
    top: 6px;
    background: #ff0000;
    width: 100px;
    padding: 3px 10px;
    opacity: 0.9;
    transform: rotate(45deg);

Thumbnail Size

By default, animal thumbnails will be displayed at the default system size (150px), which can be set up to a maximum of 300px in the options at Publishing -> Set Publishing Options -> All Publishers

If you would like to use larger images than 300px in the thumbnail list, you can choose to use the full size images rather than thumbnails, then use CSS to constrain them to the size you prefer:

asm3_adoptable_fullsize_images = true;
.asm3-adoptable-thumbnail { max-width: 400px; }
<div id="asm3-adoptables" />
<script src="http://localhost:5000/service?method=animal_view_adoptable_js"></script>


It’s possible to translate any of the text output by the adoptable list on the fly. By default, it only uses text from your database values so they will match the language of your database.

You can add on-the-fly translations by adding a script tag with a dictionary called asm3_adoptable_translations above the script that makes the service call. Eg to translate some English species to French and to change the default (any species) to all as well as the no results and CLOSE link text:

asm3_adoptable_translations = {
    "No results": "We don't have any animals for adoption right now, check back soon!",
    "Dog": "Chien",
    "Cat": "Chat",
    "Pig": "Cochon",
    "(any species)": "all",
    "CLOSE": "Return to my webpage"
<div id="asm3-adoptables" />
<script src="http://localhost:5000/service?method=animal_view_adoptable_js"></script>


You can also add a filter callback, which allows you to implement your own filter based on other elements in the page. The callback receives the complete animal record and must return true if the record is to be included in the list of thumbnails.

For example, to only output animals with a species of dog, you could use this callback:

function asm3_adoptable_filter(a, index, arr) {
    return a.SPECIESNAME == "Dog";
<div id="asm3-adoptables" />
<script src="http://localhost:5000/service?method=animal_view_adoptable_js"></script>

Additional arguments are also passed to asm3_adoptable_filter containing the index of the current element and complete list. Definition: asm3_adoptable_filter(item, index, arr)

Which dropdowns appear depends on the asm3_adoptable_filters string. To use them all, include the following asm3_adoptable_filters line. The order in which they appear in the filters line is also used to output that piece of information below the animal’s name in the list:

asm3_adoptable_filters = "sex breed agegroup size species goodwith where site";
<div id="asm3-adoptables" />
<script src="http://localhost:5000/service?method=animal_view_adoptable_js"></script>

The “goodwith”, “where” and “site” filters are special in that they do not augment the description of the animal. The “goodwith” filter allows the user to filter for animals who are good with dogs, cats or children. The where filter allows them to filter for animals who are either in the shelter, fostered or listed as a courtesy for someone else.


You can choose the sort order by setting an asm3_adoptable_sort variable. The default is ANIMALNAME, but another useful value is -DAYSONSHELTER to output animals based on how long they’ve been on shelter with the longest first. Preceding the sort field with a minus symbol - will sort in descending order. You can also use precede the sort field with an at symbol @ to do a numeric sort rather than a string/alphanumeric sort:

asm3_adoptable_sort = "-@DAYSONSHELTER";
<div id="asm3-adoptables" />
<script src="http://localhost:5000/service?method=animal_view_adoptable_js"></script>

A special sort keyword of SHUFFLE can also be used, if instead of sorting you’d like the adoptable animals to be output in a random order:

asm3_adoptable_sort = "SHUFFLE";
<div id="asm3-adoptables" />
<script src="http://localhost:5000/service?method=animal_view_adoptable_js"></script>


You can choose the template that will be passed to the animal_view call when an animal’s adoptable profile is viewed. By default, this value is “animalview” to use the template with that name, but it can be overridden:

asm3_adoptable_style = "animalviewcarousel";
<div id="asm3-adoptables" />
<script src="http://localhost:5000/service?method=animal_view_adoptable_js"></script>

Extra Content

It’s also possible to add an extra content callback, which adoptable_js calls for every animal it outputs. For example, to add the animal’s bio below the thumbnail and basic info:

asm3_adoptable_filters = "sex breed agegroup size species";
asm3_adoptable_extra = function(a) {
<div id="asm3-adoptables" />
<script src="http://localhost:5000/service?method=animal_view_adoptable_js"></script>

You could set .asm3-adoptable-tagline to display: none and then use an extra content callback to output and format any data from the animal’s record in the way you want and override the default behaviour.


You can limit the number of animals rendered by the adoptable_js output. This is useful if you want to only show a limited number of animals - eg: If this call is on the home page of your website and you’d like to show some featured animals.

For example, this will limit output to the first 3 animals in the set. Combined with the -DAYSONSHELTER sort, it will show the 3 animals who have been on shelter the longest:

asm3_adoptable_sort = "-DAYSONSHELTER";
asm3_adoptable_limit = 3;
<div id="asm3-adoptables" />
<script src="http://localhost:5000/service?method=animal_view_adoptable_js"></script>


Cache time: 10 minutes

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Returns a complete HTML document that references animal_view_adoptable_js to show a list of adoptable animals. It looks for an HTML template called “animalviewadoptable” and falls back to a basic internal template if it does not exist:



Permissions required: IMPORT_CSV_FILE

Requires username/password: YES

The CSV import endpoint can be used to send CSV data to the system. GET or POST can be used and it accepts the following parameters:

  • data: The base64 encoded CSV data.

  • encoding: The text encoding used for the CSV data (defaults to utf-8 if not supplied)

As this is a synchronous method call, you should not use this method to import large amounts of data - that should be done with the asynchronous screen at Settings ‣ Import a CSV File. This method call is intended for small amounts of data and individual records being sent by other systems for integration purposes.

Unlike the Import a CSV File screen, you cannot set any of the CSV import options. When importing via this method.

The return value is a JSON document containing the success count, the number of rows in the CSV data and details of errors from any rows that failed to be imported:

{ rows: 52,
  success: 51,
  errors: [
    [ 5, "Jeff,2,Dog,928310983219283", "This microchip number has already been used" ]

csv_mail and csv_report

Cache time: 10 minutes

Permissions required: VIEW_REPORT

Requires username/password: YES

Returns a CSV file containing a mail merge or report. Pass the name of the mail merge/report in the title attribute and if the merge requires any parameters, you can pass those too just like with html_report:


json_mail and json_report

Cache time: 10 minutes

Permissions required: VIEW_REPORT

Requires username/password: YES

Returns a dataset containing a mail merge or report. Pass the name of the mail merge/report in the title attribute and if the merge requires any parameters, you can pass those too just like with html_report:



Cache time: 1 day

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Returns an extra image (see Settings ‣ Reports ‣ Extra Images). Pass the name of the image in the title parameter:



Cache time: 10 minutes

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Returns a complete HTML document containing an HTML page of adoptable animals.

You can pass an HTML template name in an optional “template” parameter (leaving it off will cause animalview to be used). It is also possible extra parameters:

  • speciesid=X - only output animals of that species. In the default dataset, speciesid=1 is Dogs and speciesid=2 is cats.

  • animaltypeid=X - only output animals of that type. Run this query at the SQL interface to find out the ID numbers: SELECT * FROM animaltype

  • locationid=X - only output animals in this location. Run this query at the SQL interface to find out the ID numbers: SELECT * FROM internallocation

  • underweeks=X - only output animals aged under X weeks.

  • overweeks=X - only output animals aged over X weeks

The rules governing which animals are adoptable are those set under Publishing ‣ Set Publishing Options ‣ Animal Selection. You can view the set at Publishing ‣ View Animals Matching Publishing Options:



Cache time: 30 minutes

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Returns a complete HTML document containing an HTML page of recently adopted animals.

You can pass an HTML template name in an optional “template” parameter (leaving it off will cause animalview to be used). It is also possible to pass speciesid=X or animaltypeid=X parameters to only output animals of that species and type. In the default dataset, speciesid=1 is Dogs and speciesid=2 is cats.

An “order” parameter can be passed to indicate what order you would like the results to be in. The default is adoption date descending. Options are:

  • adopted_asc / adopted_desc - adoption date in ascending or descending order

  • code_asc / code_desc - shelter code of the animals

  • created_asc / created_desc - creation date of the animal records

  • dateofbirth_asc / dateofbirth_desc - the date of birth of the animals

  • deceased_asc / deceased_desc - the date the animals died

  • entered_asc / entered_desc - the most recent date the animals entered care

  • holduntil_asc / holduntil_desc - the date the animal holds end

  • lastchanged_asc / lastchanged_desc - the last changed date of the animal records

  • litterid_asc / litterid_desc - animal litter ID

  • name_asc / name_desc - animal name

You can also pass a “days” parameter to indicate how far you would like to go back. If you do not set it, the default is animals adopted in the last 30 days:



Cache time: 30 minutes

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Returns a complete HTML document containing an HTML page of recently deceased animals.

You can pass an HTML template name in an optional “template” parameter (leaving it off will cause animalview to be used). It is also possible to pass speciesid=X or animaltypeid=X parameters to only output animals of that species and type. In the default dataset, speciesid=1 is Dogs and speciesid=2 is cats.

An “order” parameter can be passed to indicate the sort order (see html_adopted_animals). The default is deceased date descending.

You can also pass a “days” parameter to indicate how far you would like to go back. If you do not set it, the default is animals deceased in the last 30 days:



Cache time: 1 hour

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Returns a complete HTML document of shelter fundraising/adoption events from ASM ‣ Events ‣ Edit Events

Looks for an HTML template called “events” to use. A basic template will be used if the template does not exist. The template can include the following tokens:


The name of the event.


The event description. Note that this value is editable HTML from the screen.


The start date/time.


The end date/time.


The event address.

$$CITY$$ / $$TOWN$$

The event city (town for non-US).

$$STATE$$ / $$COUNTY$$

The event state (county/region for non-US).


The event zip/postal code.


The event country.

A “count” parameter can be passed to return the most recent X events (default 10) and a “template” parameter can set the name of the template to use.

This is useful for including a page of events on your website:



Cache time: 30 minutes

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Returns a complete HTML document containing an HTML page of shelter animals that have a particular flag.

You can pass an HTML template name in an optional “template” parameter (leaving it off will cause animalview to be used). It is also possible to pass speciesid=X or animaltypeid=X parameters to only output animals of that species and type. In the default dataset, speciesid=1 is Dogs and speciesid=2 is cats.

An “order” parameter can be passed to indicate the sort order (see html_adopted_animals). The default is entered date descending.

A “flag” parameter must be passed to specify the flag you want the returned animals to have. If no flag is set, an error is returned. An “all=1” parameter can optionally be passed if you’d like all animals to be included, not just shelter animals:



Cache time: 30 minutes

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Returns a complete HTML document containing an HTML page of current held animals.

An “order” parameter can be passed to indicate the sort order (see html_adopted_animals). The default is entered date descending.

You can pass an HTML template name in an optional “template” parameter (leaving it off will cause animalview to be used). It is also possible to pass speciesid=X or animaltypeid=X parameters to only output animals of that species and type. In the default dataset, speciesid=1 is Dogs and speciesid=2 is cats:



Cache time: 10 minutes

Permissions required: VIEW_REPORT

Requires username/password: YES

Returns an HTML document containing a report. Pass the name of the report in the title attribute. If the report requires any parameters, you can pass those too. VAR parameters are just their name, ASK parameters are ASKn where n is the order within the SQL. If you run the report within the ASM frontend you will see the parameters it requires in the address bar:



Cache time: 30 minutes

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Returns a complete HTML document containing an HTML page of current stray animals.

An “order” parameter can be passed to indicate the sort order (see html_adopted_animals). The default is entered date descending.

You can pass an HTML template name in an optional “template” parameter (leaving it off will cause animalview to be used). It is also possible to pass speciesid=X or animaltypeid=X parameters to only output animals of that species and type. In the default dataset, speciesid=1 is Dogs and speciesid=2 is cats:


json_adoptable_animal and xml_adoptable_animal

Cache time: 1 hour

Permissions required: VIEW_ANIMAL

Requires username/password: YES

Returns a dataset containing a single animal record from the list of animals available for adoption. The method determines whether the format returned is JSON or XML:



If the animal with animalid is not adoptable, an empty result set will be returned.

json_adoptable_animals and xml_adoptable_animals

Cache time: 10 minutes

Permissions required: VIEW_ANIMAL

Requires username/password: YES

Returns a dataset containing all animals available for adoption. The method determines whether the format returned is JSON or XML:


json_adopted_animals and xml_adopted_animals

Cache time: 30 minutes

Permissions required: VIEW_ANIMAL, VIEW_MOVEMENT

Requires username/password: YES

Returns a dataset containing animals adopted between two dates as passed in the “fromdate” and “todate” parameters. The dates themselves should be formatted for the current database locale (eg: M/D/Y for US locales, D/M/Y for European, Y/M/D for some Asian locales, etc).

Note that the “View Movement” permission is required to call this method.

The method name determines whether the format returned is JSON or XML:


json_lost_animals, xml_lost_animals, json_found_animals, xml_found_animals

Cache time: 1 hour


Requires username/password: YES

Returns a dataset containing all lost or found animals reported in the last 90 days that are still active. The method determines whether the format returned is JSON or XML:


json_held_animals and xml_held_animals

Cache time: 1 hour

Permissions required: VIEW_ANIMAL

Requires username/password: YES

Returns a dataset containing all animals currently held. The method determines whether the format returned is JSON or XML:


json_recent_adoptions and xml_recent_adoptions

Cache time: 1 hour

Permissions required: VIEW_ANIMAL, VIEW_MOVEMENT

Requires username/password: YES

Returns a dataset containing all recently adopted animals with their new owner information. The method name determines whether the format returned is JSON or XML:


json_recent_changes and xml_recent_changes

Cache time: 1 hour

Permissions required: VIEW_ANIMAL

Requires username/password: YES

Returns a dataset containing all animals who have been modified in the last month. The method determines whether the format returned is JSON or XML:


json_shelter_animals and xml_shelter_animals

Cache time: 1 hour

Permissions required: VIEW_ANIMAL

Requires username/password: YES

Returns a dataset containing all animals currently in the care of the shelter. The method determines whether the format returned is JSON or XML:


By default, any personal or sensitive data (such as names and contact information of fosterers and surrenders) will be stripped from the results. If you wish them to be included, pass an extra sensitive=1 parameter:


json_stray_animals and xml_stray_animals

Cache time: 1 hour

Permissions required: VIEW_ANIMAL

Requires username/password: YES

Returns a dataset containing all stray animals in the care of the shelter. The method determines whether the format returned is JSON or XML:


media_file and media_image

Cache time: 1 day

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Responds with media file data for the mediaid given. The content type is set to the correct MIME type for the data:


online_form_html and online_form_json

Cache time: 30 minutes

Permissions required: None

Requires username/password: NO

Responds with the online form HTML or JSON for the id given.


Cache time: 1 hour

Permissions required: VIEW_ANIMAL

Requires username/password: YES

Returns an RSS feed of the timeline for use with feed aggregators:
