
The search box allows you to search the whole of the ASM database. If you just enter a search term and press enter, all types of record will be searched.
Previous searches will be remembered and ASM will try to suggest searches as you type. You can prefix your term with a code to tell the search to only search a certain type of record.
a:term will only search animals
ac:term will only search animal control incidents
p:term will only search people
la:term and fa:term will search lost and found animals
li:num will search issued license numbers
lo:term will search logs for all records
vo:code will search issued vouchers
wl:term will search waiting list entries.
In addition to prefixes, you can add an extra clause to control sorting.
sort:az will sort alphabetically a to z on name
sort:za will sort alphabetically z to a on name
sort:mr will sort by most recently changed
sort:lr will sort by least recently changed
sort:as will sort alphabetically a to z on species (only applies to animal records – makes more sense in combination with animal search keywords like “forpublish” or “onshelter”)
sort:sa will sort alphabetically z to a on species
sort:rel will sort by most recently changed, but more relevant items will be moved to the top. For example if the search term exactly matches an animal’s name or owner’s surname, they will be considered more relevant and appear first.
There are a number of special keyword terms you can use:
onshelter (or os) – all on shelter animals
longterm - all animals who have been on shelter longer than 6 months
notforadoption – all animals flagged not for adoption
notmicrochipped - all animals who are not microchipped
hold – all animals currently being held in case of reclaim
holdtoday - all animals with a hold that ends today
quarantine – all animals currently quarantined
deceased – animals deceased in the last 30 days
forpublish – all animals available for adoption and matching publishing options
people – all people
fosterers, volunteers, shelters, aco, banned, staff, retailers, vets, homechecked, homecheckers, drivers, members and donors – all people with those flags set
reservenohomecheck - active reservations where a homecheck has not been done
activelost – all lost animals who have not been found yet
activefound – all found animals who have not been returned
a:Cat sort:az - find all cats, sort by name a:Jack - all animals called Jack