Status Bar
At the bottom part of the screen is the ASM status bar. The majority
of it is given over to information messages while tasks are progressing.
The right hand side contains a progress meter and upto four icons.
Hovering over the icons with the mouse gives additional information.
From left to right, these icons are:
- Audit information (small document icon). This displays who created
and last changed the current record on the screen.
- Database information (small database icon). This displays information
on the database you are currently connected to, giving the database
type and the host machine where it is running.
- User information (small user icon). This displays the name of the
user you are currently logged in as.
- Locale information (the ISO two letter language code and country flag).
This displays the the country/language ASM is set to use. You may
right click on the icon and choose a different country/language to
switch locales. Note that while the menu and toolbar will change,
any screens you currently have open will not change languages until
you close and reopen them.