Movement Keys
Movement keys are available for documents generated from the movement
tab of the animal/owner screens. Since movements tie together animals
and owners, all of the animal and owner keys are also available for
movement documents.
- AdoptionID - The adoption number
- AdoptionDate - The date of the adoption
- ReservationDate - The date the animal was reserved (if it's a reserve
- ReturnDate - The date the animal was returned from this movement
- FosteredDate - The date the animal was fostered (if applicable)
- TransferDate - The date the animal was transferred (if applicable)
- MovementDate - The date the animal was moved (whatever the type)
- MovementType - The movement type (eg: Adoption, Foster, Transfer,
- AdoptionNumber - The adoption number
- AdoptionDonation - The amount donated for the adoption
- AdoptionCreatedBy - The user who created the movement record (AdoptionCreatedByName)
- AdoptionCreatedDate - The date the movement was created
- AdoptionLastChangedBy - The user who last changed the movement (AdoptionLastChangedByName)
- AdoptionLastChangedDate - The date the movement was last changed
- InsuranceNumber - If your shelter insures animals as they are adopted,
the insurance number