Animal Keys
Animal keys are available for documents generated from the animal
details and movement tab of the animal screens.
- ShelterCode - The animal's shelter code
- ShortShelterCode - The shortened version of the shelter code
- Age - The animal's age in readable form (eg: ``5 years and 6 months'')
- AnimalComments - The animal comment box
- HealthProblems - The health problems field
- AcceptanceNumber - The acceptance number
- AddressOfPersonBroughtAnimalIn - The full address of the person who
brought the animal in
- AnimalName - The animal's name
- AnimalTypeName - The animal's type
- BaseColourName (BaseColorName for US users) - The animal's colour
- BreedName - The animal's breed. If the ``Use single breed field''
option is not set and the animal is a crossbreed, ASM will output
the this field as ``Breed 1 / Breed 2'' to indicate that the animal
is a cross of two breeds.
- InternalLocation - The animal's location within the shelter
- CoatType - The animal's coat type
- AnimalComments - The animal comments box
- AnimalCreatedBy - The user who created the animal record (AnimalCreatedByName
for full user name)
- AnimalCreatedDate - The date the animal record was created
- DateBroughtIn - The date the animal was first brought to the shelter
- MonthBroughtIn - The month the animal was first brought to the shelter
- DateOfBirth - The animal's date of birth
- EstimatedDOB - The word (estimated) if the estimated date of birth
flag is ticked on the animal, or a blank string if not.
- AgeGroup - The animal's age group (the defaults are Baby, Adult, Young
Adult and Senior). These can be configured under the System->Options
- DisplayAge - If the EstimatedDOB flag is set, outputs the age group,
if not, outputs a string representation of the animal's age.
- DisplayDOB - If the EstimatedDOB flag is set, outputs the age group,
if not, outputs the animal's date of birth.
- DeceasedDate - The date the animal died (if applicable)
- Declawed - ``Yes'' if the animal has been declawed
- AnimalID - The animal's internal ID number
- BondedWith - A list of the names and codes of animals this one is
bonded with
- MicrochipNumber - The animal's microchip number
- Microchipped - ``Yes'' if the animal has been microchipped
- MicrochipDate - The date the animal was microchipped
- Tattoo - ``Yes'' if the animal has an identifying tattoo
- TattooNumber - The tattoo number
- TattooDate - The date the tattoo was applied
- CombiTested (FIVLTested for US users) - ``Yes'' if the animal has
been combi-tested (or FIV/L testing for the US)
- CombiTestDate (FIVLTestDate for US users) - The date of the test
- CombiTestResult (FIVResult for US users) - The test result - Positive
or Negative.
- FLVResult - The result of the FLV test - Positive or Negative
- HeartwormTested - ``Yes'' if the animal has been heartworm tested.
- HeartwormTestDate - The date of the test
- HeartwormTestResult - The result - positive or negative
- HiddenAnimalDetails - The hidden details box
- AnimalLastChangedBy - The user who last changed the animal record
(AnimalLastChangedByName for full user name)
- AnimalLastChangedDate - The date record was last changed
- Markings - The markings box
- NameOfOwnersVet - The owner's vet box
- NameOfPersonBroughtAnimalIn - The name of the person who brought the
animal into the shelter
- TownOfPersonBroughtAnimalIn (CityOfPersonBroughtAnimalIn for US users)
- The town the person who brought the animal into the shelter lives
- CountyOfPersonBroughtAnimalIn (StateOfPersonBroughtAnimalIn for US
users) - The county the person who brought the animal into the shelter
lives in
- NumberInLitter - If this animal is part of a litter, the number of
animals in that litter.
- HasSpecialNeeds - ``Yes'' if the animal has the box ticked for special
needs on the vet tab
- Neutered - ``Yes'' if the animal has been neutered/spayed (usually
called ``altered'' or ``fixed'' in the US)
- NeuteredDate - The date the animal was neutered
- OriginalOwnerAddress - The address of the animal's original owner
- OriginalOwnerName - The name of the animal's original owner
- OriginalOwnerTown (OriginalOwnerCity for US users) - The town of the
animal's original owner
- OriginalOwnerCounty (OriginalOwnerState for US users) - The county
of the animal's original owner
- OriginalOwnerPostcode (OriginalOwnerZipcode for US users) - The original
owner's post/zipcode
- OriginalOwnerSurname (OriginalOwnerLastName for US users) - The original
owner's surname
- OriginalOwnerForenames (OriginalOwnerFirstNames for US users) - The
original owner's forenames
- OriginalOwnerInitials - The original owner's initials
- OriginalOwnerTitle - The original owner's title
- OriginalOwnerHomePhone - The original owner's home phone number
- OriginalOwnerWorkPhone - The original owner's work phone number
- OriginalOwnerMobilePhone - The original owner's mobile phone number
- OriginalOwnerEmail - The original owner's email address
- CurrentOwnerName - The name of the animal's current owner
- CurrentOwnerAddress
- CurrentOwnerTown (CurrentOwnerCity for US users)
- CurrentOwnerCounty (CurrentOwnerState for US users)
- CurrentOwnerPostcode (CurrentOwnerZipcode for US users)
- CurrentOwnerHomePhone
- CurrentOwnerWorkPhone
- CurrentOwnerMobilePhone
- CurrentOwnerEmail
- PostcodeOfPersonBroughtIn (ZipcodeOfPersonBroughtIn for US users)
- The post/zipcode of the person who brought the animal in.
- RabiesTag - The animal's rabies tag
- GoodWithCats - ``Yes/No/Unknown''
- GoodWithDogs - ``Yes/No/Unknown''
- GoodWithChildren - ``Yes/No/Unknown''
- HouseTrained - ``Yes/No/Unknown''
- EntryCategory - The entry category of the animal
- ReasonForEntry - The reason the animal was brought to the shelter
- ReasonNotBroughtByOwner - The reason (if any) that the animal was
not brought in by the owner
- Sex - The animal's sex
- Size - The animal's size
- SpeciesName - The animal's species
- ReclaimedDate - The date (if applicable) that the animal was reclaimed
by its owner
- MostRecentEntry - The date the animal most recently entered the shelter
(if it was returned from an adoption or fostering for example)
- MostRecentMonthEntry - The month the animal most recently entered
the shelter
- TimeOnShelter - A readable string showing the time the animal has
spent on the shelter (from the last time it entered), eg: 4 weeks.
- NoTimesReturned - The number of times the animal has been returned
to the shelter
- HasValidMedia - ``Yes'' if the animal has a photo flagged for website
- WebMediaFilename - The filename of the animal's preferred picture
- WebMediaNotes - The notes box to accompany the picture
- WebMediaNew - ``Yes'' if the animal has not been published via the
web publishing tool
- WebMediaUpdated - ``Yes'' if the notes on the media for the animal
have been edited since the animal was last published via the web publishing
- AnimalOnShelter - ``Yes'' if the animal is on the shelter
- AnimalIsReserved - ``Yes'' if the animal has been reserved
- VaccinationNameX - Where X is a number, indexing the vaccination records
for the animal, the name of the vaccination (eg: Booster)
- VaccinationRequiredX - The date the vaccination is required
- VaccinationGivenX - The date the vaccination was given
- VaccinationCommentsX - The vaccination comments box
- VaccinationNameLastX - Where X is a number, indexing the vaccination
records for the animal from most recent first, the name of the vaccination
(eg: Booster)
- VaccinationRequiredLastX - The date the vaccination is required
- VaccinationGivenLastX - The date the vaccination was given
- VaccinationCommentsLastX - The vaccination comments box
- MedicalNameX - Where X is a number, indexing the medical treatment
records for the animal, the name of the medical treatment
- MedicalFrequencyX - How often the treatment is given (eg: Monthly)
- MedicalNumberOfTreatmentsX - The total number of treatments
- MedicalStatusX - The treatment status (eg: Active)
- MedicalDosageX - The treatment dosage
- MedicalStartDateX - The date treatment started
- MedicalTreatmentsGivenX - How many treatments the animal has had
- MedicalTreatmentsRemainingX - How many treatments are remaining
- MedicalCommentsX - The medical comments
- DietNameX - Where X is a number, indexing the diet records for the
animal, the name of the diet
- DietDescriptionX - Where X is a number, indexing the diet records
for the animal, the diet description
- DietDateStartedX - The date the diet started
- DietCommentsX - Any comments on the diet
- DietNameLastX - Where X is a number, indexing diet records from the
most recent first, the name of the diet
- DietDescriptionLastX - Where X is a number, indexing diet records
from the most recent first, the diet description
- DietDateStartedLastX - The date the diet started
- DietCommentsLastX - Any comments on the diet