Animal Screen

The animal screen is the one you will certainly use the most often within the system. Across the top, the animal screen has a toolbar that relates to actions that take place at the animal level. From this toolbar, you can clone the animal to create a new one, delete the animal, generate a document and execute a diary task.

Most importantly, you can save the current record. In a manner similar to a document, when you open any file within Animal Shelter Manager, what you get is a personal copy of it on the screen - it is not submitted to the database for other people to view until you explicitly save your changes, and when you do, everything is sent. If you make changes to an animal record and forget to save it, the system will pick up on this and ask you if you want to save, to make sure you do not lose your changes.

Below the toolbar, the animal screen is split into a number of different tabbed sections. Clicking these tabs makes that area of the animal active. Because not all of the information is mandatory or applicable to every animal, some of the tabs will show a graphic to highlight that they have information (the graphic varies according to what type of data is available on that particular tab).
