In addition to creating standalone websites with animals up for adoption, ASM can also integrate with (now known as and upload your animals for adoption directly to your account with them.
You will need to go to Internet->> Settings first. Here, you should enter the hostname of the Save-A-Pet FTP server (typically, along with the user name given to you by and your password. All you need to do then is choose Publish to The options for filtering animals are the same (see previous section for reference).
In addition, the first time you run this publisher, it will create a file called ``saveapet_mappings.txt'' in your .asm folder - this is the mappings file (what becomes the import.cfg sent to and if you wish to translate any of your breeds, species, types or colours to match the standard set, you can do it here. The default file created by ASM maps the default ASM lookups to AdoptAPet.
If you have mapped the colours and wish to include them, you will need to tick the ``Include Colors'' checkbox when publishing (or use the includecolors command line argument).