In addition to creating standalone websites with animals up for adoption, ASM can also integrate with and upload your animals for adoption directly to your account with them.

You will need to go to Internet->PetFinder->PetFinder Settings first. Here, you should enter the URL to the PetFinder FTP server (ASM defaults - as it is at the time of writing), along with the shelter Id given to you by and your password. All you need to do then is choose Publish to in place of the normal internet publisher. The options for filtering animals are the same (see previous section for reference).

Note that if you have created new Species or Breeds within ASM, you will need to map them to the available PetFinder options using the ``PetFinder Species Mapping'' and ``PetFinder Breed Mapping'' options under the PetFinder Publish menu.

If you have some that are not mapped, ASM will prompt you to do this when you attempt to publish.

The ``upload all images'' option will upload all animal media images, naming them CODE-X.jpg (starting at 1 for the web preferred media). PetFinder will automatically handle this and display all your images with the animal.

IMPORTANT: You have to let PetFinder know that you are using ASM to upload your data via the configuration page for your shelter on their website. If you don't do this, your upload animal information will not appear on the PetFinder site.