- Non-Neutered Animals:
Produces a report of animals on the shelter aged over six months who
have not been neutered. You may optionally select a particular species
to run the report for (to avoid getting reports of unneutered Guinea
Pigs and Rabbits etc.)
- Non-Microchipped Animals:
Produces a report of animals on the shelter of a chosen species who
have not been microchipped.
- Animals Without Photo Media:
Prodcuces a report of animals on the shelter who do not have photographic
media attached (and hence will not be published to the web if you
have the internet plugin).
- Animals Never Vaccinated:
Generates a report of animals on the shelter who have never had a
vaccination of any kind.
- Cats Not Combi-Tested:
Generates a report of cats above a certain age on the shelter who
have not been combi-tested (FIV/L in the US).