Reservation Book

The Reservation Book is a useful screen that ties together animals, owners and reservation movement records. It allows you to see all the animals on the shelter that are currently reserved at a glance. You can also directly edit the movement records and jump straight into the animal or owner record.

The reservation book is located under the File->Animal menu. You can also access it by holding control and shift together and tapping the ``R'' key (CTRL+SHIFT+R).

Image asm_reservationbook

The reservation book has its own toolbar across the top. From here, you can edit the highlighted reservation, create a new one, or jump straight into the animal or owner record for the highlighted reservation.

To add a new reservation, click the New button. The standard movement screen will appear as if you were in an animal or owner record, however you must choose both the animal and owner at the top of the screen. When you are done, click the save button as normal.

To see your new reservation in the list, you must click the Refresh button on the reservation book screen.
