Find Owner Screen
The advanced find owner screen is used to search for groups of owners
matching criteria. It works exactly the same as the advanced find
animal screen, however there are far less criteria as Animal Shelter
Manager needs to know far less about owners.
A number of filters can also be applied here:
- Adopters - show any owners with an adoption movement
- Animal Care Officers - show any owners with the Animal Care
Officer flag set
- Banned - show any owners with the Banned flag set
- Donors - show any owners with the Donor flag set
- Fosterers - show any owners with the Fosters Animals flag
- Homechecked - show any owners with the Homechecked flag set
- Homecheckers - show any owners with the Homechecker flag
- Members - show any owners with the Member flag set
- Not Homechecked - show any owners with the Homechecked flag
not set
- Potential Adopters - show any owners with active criteria,
but no adoption movements
- Retailers - show any owners with the Retailer flag set
- Shelters - show any owners with the Other Animal Shelter
flag set
- Staff - show any owners with the Staff flag set
- Vets - show any owners with the Vet flag set
- Volunteers - show any owners with the Volunteer flag set