- AnimalTypeID
- AnimalName
- BaseColourID
- SpeciesID
- BreedName
- CoatType
- Markings
- ShelterCode - the code (or shortcode depending on configuration)
- AcceptanceNumber - the acceptance number or Litter ID depending on
- DateOfBirth
- AgeGroup
- DeceasedDate
- Sex
- IdentichipNumber - Microchip number
- IdentichipDate - Microchip date
- TattooNumber
- TattooDate
- Neutered
- NeuteredDate
- CombiTested - FIV/L tested?
- CombiTestDate - FIV/L test date
- CombiTestResult
- HeartwormTested
- HeartwormTestDate
- HeartwormTestResult
- FLVResult
- Declawed
- HiddenAnimalDetails
- AnimalComments
- ReasonForEntry
- ReasonNO
- DateBroughtIn
- EntryReasonID
- HealthProblems
- PTSReason - Free form deceased reason box
- PTSReasonID - Death category dropdown box
- IsGoodWithCats
- IsGoodWithDogs
- IsGoodWithChildren
- IsHouseTrained
- IsNotAvailableForAdoption
- HasSpecialNeeds
- ShelterLocation
- Size
- RabiesTag
- TimeOnShelter
- DaysOnShelter
- AnimalAge