ASM can also use an LDAP server to authenticate your users. ASM will
prompt for a username and password on startup and will then search
the LDAP tree for an entry matching the username entered. If it finds
one, it will then attempt to bind to the tree as that user, using
the password supplied. As ever, a matching ASM user must exist in
the database.
The LDAP fields asm needs are:
- LDAP URL: This is the URL to the ldap server, typically something
like ldap://server/, you can supply a port as normal (eg: If you have
an ActiveDirectory domain you'd like to use for authentication on
port 3268 - ldap://server:3268/). You can also use ldaps:// for SSL
enabled LDAP connections.
- LDAP User: The DN of a user allowed to conduct searches of
the LDAP tree.
- LDAP Password: The password for the user allowed to conduct
searches of the LDAP tree.
- LDAP DN: The base DN to conduct searches from when looking
for users - eg: ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com
- LDAP Filter: The search filter to use when locating users.
The {0} token will be replaced by the username the user enters when
attempting to login. For example, ``(cn={0})'', to locate a user
with a cn matching the username. ActiveDirectory users should use
WARNING: If you supply an LDAP URL and don't have an LDAP
server, you will not be able to log in to ASM. You can clear LDAP
settings by opening a SQL tool on your database and running ``DELETE
FROM configuration WHERE ItemName Like 'LDAP%';''