
The publishwww command invokes the internet publisher. It accepts the following options:


asmcmd publishwww includecase includereserved excludeunder=8 

animalsperpage=10 uploaddirectly generatejavascriptdb scaleimages=2 includelocations=Top%Block,Bottom%Block

Note that if you omit any of the values, they are defaulted to the same values you see on the publish screen normally. Omitting the ``includelocations'' option will cause ASM to assume all locations.

Important Note: DOS does not allow the equals sign to appear in an argument (since it is the DOS variable delimiter). You should substitute the colon ``:'' for the equals sign on Windows platforms. Eg:

asmcmd publishwww excludeunder:8 scaleimages:2 

includecase includereserved includewithoutimage